How do solar lights work?
As the name suggests, solar lights are lighting fixtures powered by solar energy. Using this "green" energy, the solar light charges and then glows during dark hours. The main components are usually a solar rechargeable battery, an LED light, and a photoresistor (to detect the absence of light). The photovoltaic process converts solar energy into usable electricity.
That's it! Once installed, solar lights can be used for any number of years, depending on quality and supplier. No wiring or utility power is required just simple green energy.
Do solar lights need batteries?
Do not! They already contain a solar-charged battery. There is no need to replace the battery, as the battery is integral to the working of the light and should last for many years, depending on the manufacturer.
Do solar lights need sunlight or any light?
Most solar lights require sunlight from daylight, not artificial light. While artificial light may have some impact and allow for charging, in daylight the speed and efficiency will not.
Do solar lights work in winter/in the shade?
Yes - just not as effective.
Direct sunlight, like in midsummer, is the most efficient time for solar lights to charge. Essentially, the more sunlight you receive, the longer or stronger the light stays on. However, there is still the sun in winter, although not always in direct sunlight, which will charge the solar lights. The same goes for shadows. Solar lights will still charge in the shade, just at a slower rate.